The Laura Doll House
This ain’t your nanny and poppy’s house although it looks and feels almost the exact same. Explore Pouch Cove, NL in this 100 year old house only ONE minute from the sea (and 30 seconds from a cemetery!)

Much of the folk art was in the house when I got it. Full stove, dishwasher, cast iron pan, non stick pan, two kinds of kettles. What else do you need in life (or, rather, a kitchen?) Window over the sink is a must have! (don't let the drying rack fool you tho -- we also have a full dishwasher). oh adorable dining room with the wacky bench I made and the unfinished map I painted of Pouch Cove. I love you dearly!
December 16, 2021
I bought. A. House! In Newfoundland. I could see it from my artist residency and then I heard it came with all the furniture and then I don’t know what happened. I never thought I would get to own a home of my own. Could not have done it without @pouchcove_org @mikpiv @sarahelliottrealtor @jameyordolis
Here’s all the original furnishings and decor!
February 10, 2022
My Home Ownership Log, featuring the artifacts left by the previous owner.
February 12, 2022
The dresses that came in my house FIT ME. is here documenting every single amazing room and object, including this soup recipe I framed! @dashavalakhanovitch is in her @pouchcove_org studio with the stunning wicker table, making us cabbage pasta and cabbage paintings. If there was an award for happiest person on earth, I have won.
#pouchcovefoundation #oldhousecharm #oldhousenewhome #comehomeyear #comehomeyear2022
March 25, 2022
Updates from the Eastern reaches : little house quite adorable. I bought it without getting it inspected and am surprised at every turn to find it not full of mold, rats, ghosts etc. Renovations going well. I almost have a shower! Got an old steamer trunk for a garbage bin so my trash doesn’t blow away in the unpredictable winds. The little little house (dollhouse) coming along in it’s own tiny time. In the immortal words of Future : Life is Good.
October 27, 2022
I’m back in Toronto for the winter, but already deeply missing my little living dollhouse by the sea, looking at photos of her and trying to remember her nanny smell 💕
February 10, 2023
Yes I did just go to Newfoundland for 5 days and yea I did tear down all the bathroom wallpaper I just painted over and paint a mural so it looks like #pouchcove is behind you in the mirror. Also featured : the eye popping beauty of @rug_the_rock and #bauline
March 29, 2023
Back in NL for a quickie and I JUST DIES at how cute my lil dollhouse isssssss!
May 16, 2023
Some new corners of my Newfoundland house!! Plus my Pa is here helping my put in a dishwasher and insulate the basement 💅🏼 He was born and raised on The Rock and HASNT BEEN BACK FOR 25 YEARS! so it’s quite a time! Also they’re tearing down a house on my street and it’s the most psychotically beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Also I’ve cut 2 inches of my hair since I got here— mostly just one or two snips every time I go to the bathroom. None from the back, which I can’t see, so it’s a bit of a bob mullet. MISSION COMPLETE. SENDING LOVE AND NEGATIVE IONS
August 30, 2023
Ugh Newfoundland is so cute all I do is make a mess when I come to my house, then panic about the mess and look at the mess and think my god this mess is cute
September 1, 2023
STILL so proud of my little sign. It’s a play on a very common sign here — Nanny & Poppy’s House (Nanny and Poppy is what grandparents are called here). The first time I saw one I was deeply charmed. Then I saw many more and they all say the same thing! A German artist at the residency next door thought it was a property management company or something!
September 8, 2023
PUTTING A BOW on my last trip to Pouch Cove!! LOTS of trim work, sealing and caulking this time. Home ownership has already made me think differently about water (it wants in!) and wood (it changes!) and like the man said — rust never sleeps. It’s an honour to seal all the cracks, insulate and protect such a beautiful old girl.